Show Passwords Bookmarklet
I wrote a bookmarklet that makes password inputs show you their contents. The motivation is threefold:
- Pasting $('input[type="password"]').val() the console of a page with saved passwords has always amused me and the bookmarklet makes this easier to do on pages that don't have jQuery.
- I sometimes actually want to see the password I'm typing, either because it's fiendishly complicated or for some reason I've messed up a bunch and want to verify my typing.
- I wanted to play with SASS and CSS linear gradients. So I put together a tiny website and needed something to put up there on it.
Teh Codez
var passwords = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="password"]');
for(var i = 0; i < passwords.length; i++){
passwords[i].setAttribute('type', 'text');
- This is a bookmarklet, hence the javascript: protocol. In order for the browser to not navigate to a new page, bookmarklets need to return undefined, hence the anonymous function.
- document.querySelector and friends are very cool and they let you find elements jQuery style without needing to try and pull in jQuery to run your three lines of actual code.
- Unfortunately, document.querySelectorAll doesn't return a real Array so you can't use Array.forEach and are stuck using JavaScript's built in for. Sad sauce!